Non-Guildy (PUG) Rules for Loot
(To apply to become a member of <O H A N A>, please head over to Apply)
TL;DR: Generally, PUGs may only win BOP items that correspond to their main spec.
You can win off-spec items, but at a lower priority to Guildies.
Pugs cannot win BOEs (including recipes), Keys (Sapphiron Eye), or Legendary Shards (Ulduar and ICC).
Loot priority is:
1) BIS main spec rolls (Guild and Pug)
Your BIS is determined by Wowhead.com BIS list for your class and current phase. You must speak up if an item if your BIS, otherwise anyone with a mainspec upgrade will win it. We will be checking.
2) Main spec rolls (Guild and Pug) AND GOS Rolls (This is our guild off specs who use their off spec for the benefit of guild raids).Â
To see current GOS that can roll, please see Guild Offspecs.
3) Guild off spec rolls
4) PUG off spec rolls
5) Disenchant
If a PUG wins the roll based on the priority above, you will win the item. If a Guildy wins, we will use our DKP system to determine who gets the item.